Growing Together

Conceived as a gathering of the driving forces of our territories (entrepreneurs, investment funds, development banks and European institutions), this first edition of Growing Together, co-produced by HDB, HDBI and Bpifrance, took place in Athens on April 4th 2022.
Based on the partnership established between the different entities, this event aims to demonstrate, by example, the effectiveness of the model of national development banks as a driver for innovation, growth and economic attractiveness of their ecosystem.
It was also intended to contribute to their essential, necessary, networking at the European level.

Speaking areas

The main stage

featured key Greek, French and European players who illustrate the dynamics of commitment and share the prospects for proven growth. It was the most visible speaking area. It has hosted our top speakers and has been the sounding board for the event.

The agoras

were dedicated to debates and testimonies around sectoral themes, with a view to producing specific outputs. Innovation, sustainable development, cultural and creative industries, agribusiness, biohealth. This format has been organized with the participation of various Greek, French and European actors, to deploy the collective intelligence for the benefit of all.

The TV set

was a real tool for showcasing. The TV set allowed to interview partners, speakers and other key players, handpicked to create content, and to promote the players beyond the event. It was also the channel for expressing a strong relationship between the countries represented.

InnoAgora pitch sessions

has introduced innovative Greek companies to investors interested in new ideas. HDB in cooperation with EuroQuity, has been pleased to invite you to join InnoAgora Investing Day during the conference Growing Together.



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