Growing Together


Nathalie Berger

Europen Commission

Director for Support to Member States' Reforms


Nathalie leads the DG REFORM Directorate that provides technical assistance to growth enhancing reforms in the Member States in the areas of revenue administration and public financial management, governance and public administration, sustainable growth and business environment, labour market, education, health and social services, and financial sector and access to finance. The Directorate’s responsibility encompasses support to the Member States’ reforms for the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plans. Prior to taking up this position in May 2021, Nathalie led the European Commission DG FISMA Unit on Banking Regulation and Supervision that brought forward the Commission’s response and exceptional measures following the Covid-19 pandemic and promotes a stable, sustainable and integrated banking sector through robust but proportionate prudential rules and integrated supervision. Previously, between 2015 and 2019, Nathalie was in charge of Insurance and Pensions, with responsibilities covering the Solvency II review, consumer insurance, motor insurance and pension funds. Major achievements include the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (« PEPP »), a flagship measure under the Capital Markets Union, and the EU/US Covered Agreement on insurance and reinsurance, removing collateral requirements imposed on EU reinsurers in the US. Beforehand, Nathalie had been leading the Unit responsible for Audit and Credit Rating Agencies, since 2012. She previously worked as an expert in company law and corporate governance, and from 2007 onwards as a Deputy Head of Unit in charge of Relations with the European Parliament and Council as well as Policy Coordination. Nathalie started her career as a university researcher and lecturer, and free-lance consultant for a banking group. She joined the European Commission in 2000, mainly responsible for the development of Commission implementing powers in the field of financial services. She was a member of the Commission Task Force on the Future of the European Union and an advisor to the Commission representatives at the European Convention and Intergovernmental Conference 2002-2004. A French national, Nathalie holds a Ph.D. Doctorate in Law and a Bachelor of Arts in Politics. She is the author of several articles and a book on European law and policies.

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