Inspire & Connect East Africa

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Register for the event : Networking cocktail - Inspire & Connect East Africa

ALN Kenya I Anjarwalla & Khanna, and the French Chamber of Commerce in Kenya, in partnership with Bpifrance  - the French Public Investment Bank, are delighted to invite you as a distinguished guest at their exclusive cocktail.

Monday July 1st, from 5.45 to 8.30 pm 
at ALN House, off Eldama Ravine Road

This high-level private event will gather 150 C-Suites around the main speakers of Inspire & Connect East Africa.
A networking cocktail on the eve of Inspire & Connect East Africa (ICEA) to meet, connect and expand your network with the French delegation and all the networks shaping the business communities in Kenya.

Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate business ties and entrepreneurship between Kenyan & French stakeholders.

An invitation only event