Inspire & Connect East Africa

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The event

Inspire and Connect East Africa is the 3rd and last edition of the series of events organized by Bpifrance, in Africa dedicated to revealing the potential of business opportunities between French and regional entrepreneurs, 
celebrating audacity and risk-taking, following the editions  in Abidjan & Casablanca. 

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 Inspire and Connect East Africa will gather in Nairobi 150 C-suites to reflect on the most pressing entrepreneurial issues at stake between East-Africa and France, in the presence of

Nicolas Dufourcq, CEO of Bpifrance,
Sitoyo Lopokoiyit, Managing Director, M-Pesa Africa
Dr. James Mwangui, group CEO, Equity Group 
Karim Anjarwalla, senior partner, ALN Kenya I Anjarwalla & Khanna 

 An event that fosters unity between entrepreneurs from Kenya, the region, and abroad, from founders, small and medium-sized business to large corporate groups and investors… 

 40 speakers will intervene on multiple interactive formats to address the key challenges of tomorrow in key sectors: fintech, agrotech, industry, agro-industry, and many more… 

 Join us at the Alliance Francaise of Nairobi, a cultural center of upmost importance located in the heart of the CBD, on July 2nd from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm Alliance Française, Utalii Ln, Nairobi, Kenya

Parking slots will reserved within walking distance of the Alliance



July 2nd
From 7:30am to 2:00pm


Alliance Française 
 Utalii Ln, Nairobi, Kenya


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