Growing Together


Lila Kourti

Trikalinos Co

Marketing & Export Sales Manager


Lila Kourti was born and raised in Athens. She studied Business Administration at the University of Thessaloniki, at the Department of Tourism, Finance & Management. She had been working as a cook in restaurants for 15 years and had been a Head Chef in many restaurants in her culinary career. Became member of the Trikalinos creative team in 2008 and has developed the project of passing from theory to practice, on how the company may communicate in a more effective way its superb products, to create new markets and exploit the power of a new international language (in the field of gourmet food marketing and product's development): that of the culinary. Being ahead of the Trikalinos Export Sales and the Marketing departments since 2010, along with her team have succeed to enter in more than 42 international markets, acquire more than 15 domestic and international awards, both in Packaging Competitions and Best Brand Awards, and they steadily build the corporate brand and work for the growth of Trikalinos Company.

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