Big 2024

How to win the fight for reindustrialization : going global is at the heart of the stakes !

Oct 10, 2024 | 10:45 AM CEST - 11:15 AM CEST



Les experts français et allemands discutent de la réindustrialisation, de l'internationalisation, de l'innovation et de l'investissement pour renforcer les chaînes de valeur. La collaboration franco-allemande est clé, avec un accent sur la diversité culturelle et la compréhension mutuelle pour une coopération efficace. Ce résumé a été généré par une IA.


Exports and the reindustrialisation of the French economic fabric go hand in hand. In a complex geopolitical world, it has become a priority to ensure European competitiveness and sovereignty, through and for exports and at the service of industry. Artificial intelligence, robotisation, and support for industrial start-ups are all issues at the heart of today's challenges and tomorrow's priorities. This is why French and European companies are working to promote their regions and European competitiveness with the support and guidance of Bpifrance.


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