Big 2024

our commitments for the environment 

Bpifrance, the bank for climate, considers exemplarity/being a reference in sustainability a major issue/stake in the planning/organization of the 10th edition of Big

Along with our partners, we are committed to 10 points:
  1. Encourage sustainable mobility and the use of public transportation 
  2. Use environment-friendly/low environmental impact materials as much as possible 
  3. Reduce the number of goodies distributed / handed out at the event and offer an alternative with items from the Big Boutique know-how And made in France 
  4. Limit the presence of single-use plastic 
  5. Favor responsible catering with local and seasonal produce and vegetarian options 
  6. Reuse or recycle furniture and signage 
  7. Improve waste management, by proposing recycling bins for each flux identified at the event 
  8. Measure the CSR impacts 
  9.  Incite our partners to respect our commitments by having them sign a dedicated charter 
  10. Limit the use of paper, by proposing a digital library

Path Climate

You wish to unlock/boost your ecological and energetic transition during Big? Come and get inspired at conferences on the Climate themed path.


To help us stick to our commitments and reduce our carbon footprint, we invite you to adopt the following ecofriendly actions when you come to Big.


50%: this figure represents the percentage of an event’s carbon footprint linked to visitors’ transportation. It is thus primordial to think of low carbon solutions for participants’ transportation. Big proposes many sustainable alternatives to arrive onsite the day of : 
  • Public transportation: via metro lines 6 and 14 at the Bercy station, as well as via the RER A and D, lines 1 and 14 at the Gare de Lyon station. 
  • 20 bikes in Big covering, will be stationed at the Accor Arena. The idea would be to offer to Big visitors to go into Paris with a sustainable mobility.


Carbon emissions linked to food during an event represent on average 28% of its carbon footprint. Prioritize a local and seasonal diet, balanced, if possible, mostly vegetarian. Big suggests some alternatives : 
  • The Accor Arena offers seasonal catering, done onsite via short circuit purchases, and acts against food waste. The unsold items are redistributed to the network “Le Chaînon Manquant”.


To better preserve the environment, don’t forget to sort your waste. Thanks to its sorting/recycling policy and its partnership with “Les Joyeux recycleurs”, the Accor Arena recycles paper, bottles, cans and coffee capsules. 


To limit the use of plastic bottles, water fountains have been put into place. Reusable cups will be available to you at the heart of the Accor Arena and sold at the Big Boutique. Remember to bring your water bottle, it’s even better! 


Your neck laces can lead multiple lives and are not single use! We invite you to return them as you leave the Accor Arena in the containers meant for just that. They will be reused at our next events.

Climate found militant leaders!

The Coq Vert community is a community of business leaders who are convinced of the need to take action and are already committed to the ecological and energy transition. Launched by Bpifrance, in partnership with ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency) and the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Community aims to encourage the sharing of expertise between committed entrepreneurs.


Jour E

Jour E is the event organized by Bpifrance that brings together committed company executives that wish to take action and accelerate their ecological and energetic transition.

On the menu : actual solutions to help you guarantee a path to ecofriendly growth. Find all the workshops, masterclasses, and speakers of the 2024 edition of this event.

It was labeled by “Label Reeve” for its 2024 edition. 
Discover Jour E

Bpifrance Climate Plan

In September 2020, after the government officialized the Plan de Relance, Bpifrance started a Plan Climat with 3 pillars : 
  • Accelerate companies’ growth with a unique continuum of funding, guarantees and accompaniment,
  • Massively funding and accompanying innovation, especially Greentechs to help “green unicorns” rise and grow,
  • Accompanying the development of decarbonated energies and contribute to the growth of international champions.
Discover the carbon footprint of the plan Climat since 2020 : press release
Bpifrance, climate bank

Our CSR Partners
