Big 2024




Cette année la plateforme se réinvente autour de la mise en relation et vous invite à multiplier les contacts et rdv ! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.

Share with your contacts Support

Come and meet your privileged contacts from the Support Department, on your dedicated space with : 
  •  A Support Manager, to discuss 360° questions on the Bpifrance offer 
  • An Advisory Manager, discuss your transformation challenges 
  • An Accelerator Programme Manager, develop your business thanks to the new Accelerators 
  • A University Programme Manager, build your training programme
Click here

Meet exceptional leaders

Enjoy a privileged exchange with the entrepreneurs involved in the Bang stage.
Make an appointment

Retrouvez-vous entre Accélérés

Join your peers from different Accelerator classes to share experiences, exchange innovative ideas and strengthen your connections within this dynamic community. 

Take part in the Tribu animations

Continue your networking experience by meeting executives of the Club Excellence in a new way.
Download the app

Get inspired on the Le Cercle stage

Share with visionaries, make progress with experts and get inspired with pioneers.


Premium access to Big

Les Accélérés Exclusivity

No waiting line for you to enter the Accor Arena on October 10th! At the main entrance, go to the reception spot of the Club Excellence.
Your access point

Our themed paths

Besides the platform, you get to experience Big through customized paths based on your issues: exportation, energy transformation, hiring and many more ...
Create your customized path


