Big 2023

Integrating biodiversity into my business activities: an opportunity for my company and the environment

Oct 5, 2023 | 3:05 PM - 3:35 PM



The workshop is aimed at companies wishing to start a biodiversity initiative or to improve their approach to environmental issues. The challenges and opportunities of implementing a biodiversity strategy will be presented with information about a national initiative: the “Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature" (Companies Commited to Nature) programme , supported by the OFB. A member company of the programme will also present to share their experience of implementing best practice in their business. The programme is a national initiative run by the French Ministry of Ecology and supported by the French Office for Biodiversity (Office français de la biodiversité or OFB). The aim is to highlight, recognise and promote companies' commitment to biodiversity. It helps companies structure their actions, integrate a network and practices, and give their commitments exposure.


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