Big 2022


Christine Chan

Investissement Québec

Directrice, Investissements directs étrangers


With over 17 years of combined experience in commercial banking, corporate banking and diplomacy. I have worked with some of the world’s leading multinationals in Canada, UK & France. Currently based in Paris, I’m now a diplomat serving the government of Quebec abroad in developing relations with investors and attracting foreign direct Investment. Mainly advising companies on their international strategy. Identifying opportunities in the North American market, advising in the structure, angle of implementation and external growth from publicly listed companies to startups. Knowledge in various sectors: Energy, deeptech, tech, finance, transport, etc. About Invest in Quebec: Invest Quebec is the Quebec Government’s Inward Investment and Promotion agency, as well as an investment bank with the mandate to create wealth and added value jobs for the province. The organisation of 1000 employees provides a free service to international companies with the ambition to invest or expand into the North American market. How can we help you and your business? ◾️Specific business information and advice by industry ◾️Site selection benchmarking ◾️Tailor-made site visits with our local team ◾️Generous incentives: Tax incentives programs, funding and R&D support ◾️Introductions and networking

Ses sessions

Retrouvez la liste de toutes les sessions présentées par ce speaker pour ne manquer aucune de ses interventions.