Ma Boussole Aidants
My Caregiver Compass is a digital service that provides centralized access to information and assistance available locally for caregivers and their loved ones. The goal is to save them time and energy by providing clear, reliable and personalized answers. This intuitive tool offers testimonials on the key moments in the support of a loved one, recommendations for geolocalized solutions corresponding to the situation of the caregiver-caregiver couple, and a questionnaire that makes it possible to evaluate the eligibility of the loved one for various financial assistance.
This initiative became a cooperative (Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif - SCIC) in October 2020, financed by AGIRC-ARRCO, to enable everyone, individuals or legal entities, public, private or associative actors, to be a stakeholder in this general interest, non-market action. This format facilitates cooperation between actors by decompartmentalizing the associative, public and private worlds; and to benefit collectively and in a virtuous way from all the social and societal benefits targeted.