Big 2022



Agirc-Arrco, the compulsory supplementary pension scheme for private sector employees, is managed by the social partners. It is based on the principles of distribution and solidarity between generations. 25 million employees contribute to Agirc-Arrco to build up their future rights and 1.7 million companies are members of the scheme. 13 million retirees receive a monthly Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension allowance. Since its inception, Agirc-Arrco has developed a social action for vulnerable people, whether they are retirees, working people or people who are losing their autonomy. Agirc-Arrco's social action is complementary to the private and public sectors in several areas: aging well, support and assistance for caregivers, and loss of autonomy for the elderly. Each year, nearly 2 million people are assisted by the Agirc-Arrco social action.

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