Big 2022

Pretitle Come and meet the communities of La French Fab, La French Touch, La French Tech, La French Care and Le Coq Vert.

This 400m² space is entirely dedicated to these five communities, where you can listen to entrepreneurs on the Campfire stage and discover innovations throughout the platform.

Exchange - network - connect - share - meet

French Fab

is the rallying sign of a collective: the French Industry Team jersey. A community that embodies the companies and industrial sites located in France, and federates the industry ecosystems carried by the women and men of the territories.

French Touch

is the standard-bearer of the French cultural and creative industries: cinema and audiovisual, fashion and design, video games, publishing, visual arts and art of living, music and live performance... Between ancestral know-how and cutting-edge technologies, they have in common French excellence and high standards in all their forms.

Coq Vert

brings together companies committed to the ecological and energy transition. A community to drive, to bring together on the one hand scouts and on the other hand entrepreneurs convinced of the need to act, having already started their transition, and seeking information and support from their peers. It federates and resonates local communities of committed entrepreneurs.

French Tech

is the French startup movement. A unique ecosystem that brings together startups, investors, decision makers and community builders. The goal is to make France one of the most attractive countries in the world for startups that want to launch themselves, conquer international markets and build a meaningful future.

French Care

est le mouvement des acteurs de la Santé. Porté par Bpifrance et l’association Les acteurs de la French Care, il regroupe des acteurs privés et publics de la filière de la Santé en France. La French Care est au service du développement des écosystèmes et de l’excellence au service du patient. La mission de La French Care : promouvoir et développer l’excellence en santé en France.

Feu de Camp stage

Sed cautela nimia in peiores haeserat plagas, ut narrabimus postea, aemulis consarcinantibus insidias graves apud Constantium, cetera medium principem sed siquid auribus eius huius modi quivis infudisset ignotus, acerbum et inplacabilem et in hoc causarum titulo dissimilem sui

The Platforme Tribu innovators
