Women in Tech

Women in TechAgenda

4:00 pm: Bpifrance and Entreprise Europe Network support - Daniela Onofri, European Projects Manager, Bpifrance 

 4:15 pm : The situation of women entrepreneurship in Germany - Florian SchnitzlerHead of Startup unit & Israel, NRW.Global Business & Frederike Oehlerking, CEO, Lückenkrach

4:30 pm: Empowerment and gender diversity in entrepreneurship - Salomé Le Goff, Program Manager, Willa 

 4:50 pm: Inclusive innovation in Luxembourg - Inna Perepelytsya, Senior Advisor, Luxinnovation 

 5:10 pm: Women in DeepTech - Nolwenn Simonot, DeepTech emergence project manager, Bpifrance 

5:30 pm: Women entrepreneurs and collaborative projects: what kind of funding? - Jeanne Andrade, International Collaborative Innovation Development Manager and Daniela Onofri, European Projects Manager, Bpifrance 

5:50 pm: Women entrepreneurs: what are the keys to success? - Presentations by European companies 

 6:30 pm:  Networking cocktail

8:30 pm: End of the event 

Enterprise Europe Network

Venue and travel

Where and when
Meet on May 24, 2024 at 4:00pm at 24 rue Drouot, 75009 Paris 
Ask at reception for access to "Le Comptoir"

More information
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail: sarah.maurin@bpifrance.fr
