Warm-up international Big 9

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The event in a few words

Let's meet at Big 9 International Warm Up 
To exchange and network 

Wednesday, October 4, 2022 at 6:30 pm 
Bpifrance Atrium
6/8 boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris 

On this occasion and ahead of BIG 2023 dedicated to PRIDE 
Pascal Lagarde,
Executive Director in charge of International Affairs, Strategy, Development and Research 
 Isabelle Bébéar,
 Director - Head of International & European Affairs 
and their teams 
 are delighted to invite you to a networking cocktail 

Venue and travel

Where and when
Warm Up international - Big 9
Atrium - Bpifrance, 6/8 boulevard Haussmann
Accueil du public à partir de 18H30 
Fin de l’évènement à 21H00

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