Thierry Botter
Airbus Blue Sky - Airbus
Head of Airbus Blue Sky and Deputy-Head of Central R&T of Airbus
Dr. Thierry Botter is deputy-Chief of Airbus’ central research & technology (CRT) organization and heads Airbus Blue Sky, a research department within CRT dedicated to emerging, transformative technologies. The department currently has running activities in the areas of sustainable, bio-based recycling of materials, computational neuroscience, and quantum technologies. Dr. Botter is also a member of the strategic advisory board for the European Commission’s Quantum Technologies Flagship. Dr. Botter has an extensive track record in the areas of quantum physics, applied quantum engineering, optics, and aerospace systems. Prior to joining Airbus in 2014, he was a researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, working on the development of space-based quantum sensors. Dr. Botter holds a PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, and Master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.