Matins Rencontres Invest - Startups deeptech





Oktoscience is developing a smart implantable medical device that will revolutionise neuromodulation therapies. Our first product in development is a VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation) device intended to treat drug-resistant epilepsy through personalised, adaptive vagus nerve stimulation. VNS is a promising treatment for millions of adults and children with epilepsy who have reached a therapeutic impasse. However, current implants have significant limitations, rendering them ineffective in up to half of implanted patients. The reason for this is that the electrical stimulation does not take into account the individual physio-pathological response of each patient. Oktoscience's proven technologies, protected by 7 patent families and based on 20 years of research, will enable the development of a vagus nerve neuromodulator capable of delivering intelligent, closed-loop stimulation that continuously adapts to the physiology of epileptic patients to better control their disease. This smart VNS therapy will then open the door to further clinical applications.

Type de levée de fonds

Seed : €3 millions (€1.5 million Equity)