DEEPTECH TOUR 2022 - Lorraine


Xavier Cavin

Scalable Graphics & Gamestream



Xavier co-founded Gamestream in 2015 and is the visionary behind one of the cornerstones of its technology - the ability to inject the performance of the most powerful computers into everyday devices, at scale. A 20-year veteran of Inria, the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, Xavier is also the founder of Scalable Graphics (SGX). Once used to create powerful simulations for the oil industry, Xavier’s algorithms now make it possible to play AAA video games on any device, anywhere by analysing the processing power they require and distributing server load accordingly. Xavier is a respected and widely-published academic, holding a post-doctorate degree from the University of Utah, a PhD in high performance computing and visualisation from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, and a master’s in computer science.

Ses sessions

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