Please find bellow your customized program for June 9th and 10th 2022:

June 9th, 2022:

4:00pm – 10:00pm : CAPITAL INVEST (Conférence, Cocktail & Networking)

The new edition will bring together Bpifrance's private equity partners for conferences and meetings. 
This is a unique opportunity to draw up an analysis of the last few years and to lay the foundations for the upcoming period. 
Our partners’ unique insights and perspectives will enable you to navigate the fast-growing private equity
 industry and explore new ideas for its future. 
 We will soon update you on the program, which promises to be rich in exchanges and meetings. 
The conferences will be followed by a networking cocktail evening.
Location : Théâtre du Châtelet - Place du Châtelet - 75001 Paris 

June 10th, 2022:

9:00am – 2:30pm: Capital Invest’s Backstages (Conferences, ones-to-ones, cocktail & networking)

For the first time, in addition to Capital Invest, we will organize several events called "Behind the 
scenes of Capital Invest" for some of our partners. The agenda is currently being developed and 
will include conferences, one-to-one meetings and networking sessions. You will receive more 
information and have the opportunity to tell us who you would like to meet once you have confirmed
your presence.
Location: Bpifrance, 6-8 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris