EVFIN and Capital Invest registration form ( :
June 9, 2022 : 

4:00 pm - 10:00 pm: CAPITAL INVEST (Conference, Cocktail & Networking) This event will bring together all of our partners. This new edition will bring together Bpifrance's partner private equity players for conferences and meetings. On this occasion, we will take stock of the last few years and lay the foundations for the next cycle. The testimonies of our partners will highlight the dynamism of our private equity industry and will be followed by networking exchanges. We will soon propose you to discover the program which promises to be rich in exchanges and meetings. The conferences will be followed by a networking cocktail. Location: Théâtre du Châtelet - Place du Châtelet - 75001 Paris 

 June 10, 2022 : 

 9:00 am - 2:30 pm: BEHIND THE SCENES OF CAPITAL INVEST 2022 at 8 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris
The European Venture Fund Investors Network (EVFIN) was launched in 2011. It is an unformal platform for dialogue bringing together 20 major public funds of funds from 18 EU countries. The network pursue three objectives : to share best practices among its members, to provide input regarding EU projects and policies related to venture capital financing and to encourage coordinated initiatives to foster cross-border dimension of VC investment.
