Big 2023



NewCorp Conseil - Biomim'expo



With a dual background as Deputy Managing Director of the Ifop polling institute and Chairman of DDB Corporate in the communications field, Alain Renaudin is passionate about the major social issues of our time, convinced by the strength of citizens' movements, the new role that socio-economic players can and must play, the vital need for science, research and innovation, but also for a political new deal. Deeply moved by the Johannesburg Summit in 2002, he set up the "sustainable development observatory", advising numerous groups and institutions on these strategic issues and becoming an expert in the analysis of this societal transition for public opinion and decision-makers. In 2011, he founded the NewCorp Conseil agency to support innovation, communication and transition strategies. While he advocated throughout the 2000s that "we need to move from teaching the why to teaching the how", his encounter with biomimicry in the early 2010s was a revelation: it's the how of sustainable development, a toolbox that reconciles environment and development, and makes ecology a solution rather than just a constraint. Alain Renaudin was instrumental in the creation and growth of Ceebios. Keen to raise awareness of biomimicry, in March 2014 he created a first conference at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. Convinced of the need to reveal and encourage bio-inspiration, he proposed to launch the challenge of creating a major annual, multidisciplinary and multicultural event on this emerging theme. This would be the first Biomim'expo in 2016 in a former riding school in Senlis, before moving to Paris City Hall and the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie in 2018. Its aim is to reveal biomimicry as a field of academic and industrial excellence, a factor in enhancing the value of research, and a formidable tool for raising awareness and reawakening interest in biodiversity. At the crossroads of ecology, research, technology and economics, as well as philosophy and politics, Alain Renaudin sees biomimicry as a project for society, a gas pedal of change, and an ally in the essential reconnection between man and nature, which he sums up under the motto: "It's not man that will save the planet, it's the planet that will save man". Alain Renaudin holds a master's degree in economics from Paris Sorbonne University and a master's degree from Sciences Po Paris. Founder and Chairman of NewCorp Conseil; founder of Biomim'expo and initiator of Biomim'Invest; former Deputy Managing Director of Ifop; former Chairman of DDB Corporate; editorial writer for atlantico; author of the book "Quand la nature inspire l'innovation". Alain Renaudin is also a founding partner of Ceebios; partner of Team for the Planet; futurist and member of the Société Française de Prospective; ambassador of the Fondation Jacques Rougerie; lecturer and TEDx speaker.

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