Big 2023



Le Kremlin-Bicêtre

Médecin chef de service de pathologie


- 1993-2000, Professor of Pathology - University PARIS XIII - 2000-present, Professor of Pathology - University PARIS XI - 1993-2000, Head of the Department of Pathology Jean Verdier Hospital Bondy - 2000-2007, Head of the Department of Pathology Paul Brousse Hospital Villejuif - 2007-2018 Head of the Department of Pathology Paul Brousse and Bicêtre Hospital -2018-present Head of the Department of Pathology Paul Brousse, Antoine Béclère and Bicêtre Hospital - 2006-present Research investigator at Inserm U785/1193 - 2002-2018, Head of the Pathology teaching - University PARIS XI - 2010- 2012, President of the French Society of Pathology - 2012-2015: Coordinator of the Telepathology network Ile de France - From september 2014- 2016: Head of the Biobank Paris Sud - From september 2016- present: Co- Head of the Biobank Paris Sud for tissue specimens

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