Big 2023

[DIGITAL ONLY] Textile relocation: How can we develop a truly local, efficient and green industry?

Oct 5, 2023 | 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM


Over 90% of the fashion and luxury products consumed in France these days are imported. This is mainly due to the price of products made in France, the major obstacle to relocating activities. However, the current context appears more favourable for relocation in the sector: consumer demand for proximity, traceability and sustainability; regulatory objectives for traceability and decarbonisation of the industry; gradual changes in purchasing models and the creation of brand collections towards better responsiveness; new technologies that improve productivity and responsiveness; and better networking in the industry. It’s important that these opportunities do not mask the challenges relocation poses, including higher production costs than our European neighbours; the transfer and development of know-how; the need for investment in production facilities; and new partnership approaches between manufacturers and their customers. We present an overview of the challenges and opportunities for a local, efficient and green textile industry.


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