Big 2023

Choose Africa 2 : Mobilizing French expertise to serve African entrepreneurs. Opportunities for French companies

Oct 5, 2023 | 7:45 AM - 8:25 AM



Choose Africa 2 is for African, French and diaspora entrepreneurs in France This new program will be implemented by ""l'Equipe France"" composed of the AFD Group (AFD, Proparco, Expertise France) and Bpifrance. It will provide countries, actors of entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurs with an offer of financial and technical support to finance entrepreneurship (including informal), businesses and private sector development. Choose Africa 2 will bring together three types of activities led by "l'Equipe France": ▪ Support for the private sector throughout the African continent, in line with the strategy of Proparco, a subsidiary of the AFD Group, adopted in 2022; ▪ An «entrepreneurship» mechanism, supported by the AFD group and Bpifrance, and dedicated to the creation or strengthening of public institutions with the mandate to support local entrepreneurship in several African countries, to make up for the lack of financing of entrepreneurship by the private financial market; ▪ Bpifrance will support French companies wishing to develop their activities in Africa.


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