Big 2023

Reindustrialization put to the test by public opinion and political debate

Oct 5, 2023 | 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM



The harmful consequences of deindustrialization on the economic and social fabric, and the resulting need for reindustrialization, seem to be widely shared today. Industry has regained its rightful place in France. Factory openings are at levels not seen for many years. However, the road to reindustrialization is still long and full of pitfalls. In addition to issues of competitiveness, land availability, standards and project lead times, public opinion can be a major obstacle to the establishment of factories in France. Recent events have been rich in examples of projects cancelled or delayed due to the mobilization of local residents, associations and elected representatives. The challenge of reindustrialization is one of acceptability, particularly in the face of local opposition. To revive, industry must win the battle of public opinion. An overview of the subject and best practices with a panel of complementary players.


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