Big 2023

When commitment rhymes with collaboration: how do brands get involved collectively for a sustainable future?

Oct 5, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM



In an ever-changing world, brands are at a crucial crossroads, where environmental responsibility is taking on a growing importance. Economic players in this sector have already begun to delve into the heart of the issue of collective commitment, exploring the boundaries between collaboration and coopetition to meet their many challenges. This round table will attempt to highlight the importance of collaboration between stakeholders in the various sectors along their entire value chain, from product genesis to end-of-life recycling: regenerative sourcing, green production, relocation of activities, recycling, and much more. The key to solving these issues may lie in a collective approach, where no single company can hope to resolve them alone. In this round table, we will explore inspiring examples of collaboration and innovative partnerships, for a more responsible future.


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