Big 2023

Meet Les Meneurs at Big

“Les Meneurs” is a community supported by Bpifrance, made up of thirty-two professional male and female sports clubs, innovative and leaders in their desire to combine sport and technology. The role of the Leaders is built along two main axes: the development of clubs throughout France as a company and, promoting the evolution of this ecosystem with sportech players with a view to co-construction. In order to enable these clubs to evolve, Bpifrance supports them on these two areas of development through gatherings combining the business, innovation and sport sectors.

You are invited to participate in La Causerie des Meneurs

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La Causerie des Meneurs

Come follow this show which will take place in the Pop-up lounge from 9:50 a.m. to 11 a.m. where sports clubs, entrepreneurs and investors in sportech will be present to express themselves and discuss the financing of the sportech sector and its sustainability linked to investments. 

We include among the speakers: 
  • Ciryl GANE, KOBI associate and UFC fighter, 
  • Sofiane LAURENT, CEO and Co-founder of Kobi, 
  • Cédric MESSINA from My coach, 
  • Yann ROUBERT from the Lou Rugby club, 
  •  Aurélie DYEVRE, Co-President of SporTech France, 
  •  Bruno RIVET, Associate Director Seventure Partners, 
  • Jean-François DRWESKI, business development manager at Amazon Web Services 
  • Salomon AIACH, early Stage Tech Investor at Origins Fund. 
  •  Pierre BROUSSEAU Director of FDJ Venture

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L'espace Fierté

Come and meet inspiring actors in the “Pride” space from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.: athletes, entrepreneurs, sports decision-makers and many others will be there to share their experience, their exceptional journey and their success. 

Come and discover the testimonies of :
  • Dominique RESTINO, président CCI IDF, 
  • Julien PIERRE, CEO FairPlay For Planet, 
  • Fabien GILOT, associé fondateur – JDG Assurance, 
  • Yann JAUBERT, PDG Alfit Technologies et Ambassadeur French Fab, Gael RIVIERE,
  • Akim AREZKI et Jean-François CHEVALIER du Bondy Cécifoot Club, 
  •  Malia METELLA, co-fondatrice et associée chez Sportall 
  • Loic LEONARD, qualifié aux JOP Paris 2024 en Canoë Kayak 

La place des rendez-vous

Find the Leaders, Bpifrance partner clubs and those involved in innovation in sport throughout the afternoon on “La Place des Rendez-vous” to be able to exchange with them on business prospects!

Les Meneurs in France

In immersion with the members of Les Meneurs
