Big 2021

My Creo Academy


2021 is the year which marks the association's 15 years of activity, on this occasion Créo becomes My Creo Academy! Becoming an entrepreneur is an adventure that requires daring, perseverance and being well surrounded. This year, we are betting on daring by revamping the name of our program as well. "Les Entrepreneurs Affranchis" is an accelerator supported by Bpifrance to enable entrepreneurs from neighborhoods to be trained and acquire the skills and know-how necessary for the sustainability of their business. Why “Les Entrepreneurs Affranchis”? This renewal is not chosen at random! We that entrepreneurs break free from the barriers they create for themselves and unleash all the potential they benefit from to accelerate their success! We offer a unique course 100% subsidized by all partners and free for beneficiaries. • Individual coaching with an expert, • Masterclasses, • Bootcamp in 5 days is intensifying, • Sponsorship with large group mentors, • Networking Access to events, • Collective of Intelligence Workshops To take advantage of it, it's simple… places are available on our site for the next registration session!